Firing Temperature And Duration Effects On Absorbency And Porosity Of Pottery Tubes

  • Karima E. Amori Department of Mechanical Engineering / University of Baghdad
  • Haider Ali Hussein Department of Mechanical Engineering / University of Baghdad
Keywords: Pottery, Absorbency, Porosity, Temperature, Firing


The objective of this work is to manufacture a pottery tubes from local Iraqi materials without costs and test their porosity and absorbency for water filtering and reducing its turbidity. Thirty-six pottery tubes were manufactured under different production conditions namely: different fire duration (4 to 5 hours), and different firing temperature (850 °C to 1100 °C). Two sets of pottery tubes are manufactured, the first is non perforated tubes (model 1 or M1), and the second (M2) is perforated with 13 holes of (0.5 mm diameter) linearly arranged along their wall. Each model includes 18 tubes of 30 mm outer diameter, 4 mm wall thickness and 200 mm length. The results show that for model M1 the porosity for firing duration of 4 hrs are of range (48.21% to 42.85%) at firing temperature of range (850 °C to 1100 °C) respectively (i.e the porosity decreases with increasing firing temperature) .The same trend is obtained for model M2 ,as well as obtained for absorbency.

How to Cite
Amori, K., & Hussein, H. (2019). Firing Temperature And Duration Effects On Absorbency And Porosity Of Pottery Tubes. Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences, 25(5), 115-133. Retrieved from