Position Control of Series Elastic Actuator (SEA) Using MATLAB Simulink

  • Qasim M. Doos College of Engineering / University of Baghdad
  • Karim H. Ali College of Engineering / University of Baghdad
  • Ahmed S. Jaber College of Engineering / University of Baghdad
Keywords: Series Elastic Actuator, PID Controller, Simulink MATLAB, Arduino


Analysis of modeling and Simulink of Series Elastic Actuator (SEA) to improve the dynamic characteristics of displacement control and the possibility of using Arduino and Simulink in MATLAB program for the purpose of system control have been presented. This paper investigates the design of elastic series actuator and a model has been Proposed for the active one degree of freedom (Mass, spring, Damper) system focused on the transient behavior of the system. The proposed analysis tends to Produce a fast transient response to a step command, a zero steady-state error, low overshoot, and make the system less sensitive to disturbance as well as a short settling time used by PID controllers. Theoretical study and experimental investigation using a test rig built for this purpose has been achieved to examine the performance of the proposed Series Elastic Actuator (SEA) system. The performance is successfully validated in experiments using a quarter series elastic actuator (SEA) test rig for the active system. The theoretical and experimental results show that the used PID controller in the closed feedback loop control has led to a significant improvement in the results as well as reduce the response time of the system. Where the maximum overshoot is reduced to (7.14%), steady state error is approached to zero and settling time is reduced greatly to (2.59 sec).

How to Cite
Doos, Q., Ali, K., & Jaber, A. (2019). Position Control of Series Elastic Actuator (SEA) Using MATLAB Simulink. Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences, 25(5), 340-354. Retrieved from http://jaaru.org/index.php/auisseng/article/view/238