Studying the Magnetic properties of Ferromagnetic Lattice using Ising Model

  • Mohammad Haytham Alshimali Albaath University
  • Majdeddin Ali
Keywords: Ising system, Monte-Carlo simulation, Metropolis Algorithm, specific heat, magnetic susceptibility


In this research, the 2-dimensional Ising system was studied using a Monte-Carlo simulation based on the Metropolis Algorithm. A system
of 2500 spins in a square lattice was simulated at varying temperatures and magnetic fields to obtain the critical temperature. Furthermore, the
magnetisation and energy per spin and specific heat and magnetic susceptibility were determined as function of temperature. Lastly, the effect of
a magnetic field on the magnetisation of the system was studied.

How to Cite
Alshimali, M., & Ali, M. (2024). Studying the Magnetic properties of Ferromagnetic Lattice using Ising Model. Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences, 31(3), 37-43.