Effect of Cu-Al Proportions in Smart (Cu-Al-Ni) Alloy for Best Mechanical properties by Using Artificial Intelligent

  • Ahmed Abdulrasool Alkhafaji Asst. Prof.-College of Engineering-University of Baghdad-Mechanical Engineering
  • Bassam Salman Darweesh College of Engineering-University of Baghdad-Mechanical Engineering


In this work study effect two elements (Cu, AL) of alloy (Cu-Al- Ni) on the physical and mechanical properties which is considered one of the smart materials. This alloy has standard weight percentage in [83%Cu-13%Al-4%Ni].Selecting four different weight percentages of elements (Cu-Al) include [78%Cu,18%Al] ,[80%Cu,16%Al][82%Cu,14%Al] and [84%Cu,12%Al]which manufactured by powder metallurgy technique with a constant weight percentage of element Ni in each the percentages. The compacting pressure and sintering temperature are constant in each the fabricated samples. The results of the samples test show the maximum values of shape recovery and micro hardness are83%, 185HVrespectivelywhich appeared in the weight percentage [82%Cu-14%Al-4%Ni] whereas the samples in the weight percentages [78% Cu-18%Al-4%Ni], [80% Cu-16%Al-4%Ni] don’t appear any shape recovery because of increasing brittleness and decreasing toughness with increase Al% content which lead into failure in these proportions. IN this research the fuzzy logic model was used to investigate and the predicate of the mechanical properties between the weight percentages of the alloy by using parameters (Cu, Al)


How to Cite
Abdulrasool Alkhafaji, A., & Salman Darweesh, B. (2018). Effect of Cu-Al Proportions in Smart (Cu-Al-Ni) Alloy for Best Mechanical properties by Using Artificial Intelligent. Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences, 25(1), 11-22. Retrieved from https://jaaru.org/index.php/auisseng/article/view/106