Implementation of Vibration Suppression on an Aircraft Wing Using Velocity Feedback Controller

  • Ahmed A. Ali Baghdad University-Engineering College
  • Hussain Y. Mahmood Baghdad University-Engineering College
  • Mahmood Wael Saeed Ph.D. student-Applied Mechanics Baghdad University-Mechanical Engineering
Keywords: Active vibration control, Velocity feedback, Aircraft wing, LABVIEW


Active vibration control had been presented as an effective tool for vibration suppression of an aerobatic aircraft wing (CH650). In this work both numerical and experimental tests were performed for tested wing. Total wing was modeled in finite element software (ANSYS V.15) in which velocity feedback controlling method was integrated. Two materials were tested to compare the effectiveness of controller for each material. Scaled model was fabricated in laboratory with two different spars' materials which were [0/90] composite and aluminum foam. In experimental part piezoelectric transducers were used as actuators and sensors to perform controlling action with totally integrated controller circuit within (LABVIEW 2015). Results showed that using of velocity feedback controlling method can add more stability to the tested wing where 83% of wing's settling time was eliminated with using aluminum foam as a manufacturing material for wing's spars.

How to Cite
A. Ali, A., Y. Mahmood, H., & Wael Saeed, M. (2018). Implementation of Vibration Suppression on an Aircraft Wing Using Velocity Feedback Controller. Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences, 25(2), 45-64. Retrieved from