Estimation of the Total Dissolved Salts by Hydrometer Test
Water has ability to dissolve large amounts of salts if it added to soil. The density of brine could be measured with a hydrometer. The measurement results are related with the mass of the total dissolved salts in the water.
The main purpose of this research is proposing a new simple method to testing the total dissolved salts (TDS) in the soil. This method enables the engineers to find the total dissolved salts (TDS) by measuring the density of the saline solution, which result from dissolving the soil in distilled water. This method is based on finding the density by using the hydrometer. This method showed very good results by applying the proposed method, the dissolved salts test would be more easily and quickly.
The proposed method is equal or more in its accuracy on other testing methods, and has the advantage of being considerably faster if there were large numbers of samples have to be tested.