Effect of Soil Properties on forms of potassium in Some Soils of Homs Governorate

  • Sameer M. Shamsham Soil Sciences and land Reclamation Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Baath University, Syria
  • Reem F. Nasra Soil Sciences and land Reclamation Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Baath University, Syria
  • Rawaa Z. Ayoush Department of Field crops, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Baath University, Syria
Keywords: Soil, Potassium, Forms, Non-exchangeable K, Lattice, Organic matter, Homs


The study was conductedto determine the forms of potassium in soils (water soluble K, exchangeable K, available K, non-exchangeable K, lattice K, total K) in some of Homs soils using standard laboratory procedures. The soils were ASHRAFIA, MARANA, MOUKHTARIA, ROUGHAMA, SANKARY, MASTORAH, SADAD, ARQAYA, GDAIDA, SAYED. The samples were analyzed for mechanical composition of soil viz., sand, silt, clay and chemical composition viz., pH, EC, O.M., and analyzed the different forms of potassium. The amount of water soluble, exchangeable, available, non-exchangeable, lattice and total-K in soils; ranged from 1.49 – 145.92, 244.46 – 787.71, 245.95 – 954.83, 11.10 – 836.57, 3678.08 – 18041.08 and 4583.00 – 19643 mg/Kg. The study showed that lattice K is the largest part of total K in the soils, while the water soluble K is the lowest part of total K.The total K and lattice K showed significant and positive correlation with pH.  Water-soluble K concentrations positively correlated with organic matter and sand. The available K showed significant and positive correlation with sand.

How to Cite
Shamsham, S., Nasra, R., & Ayoush, R. (2019). Effect of Soil Properties on forms of potassium in Some Soils of Homs Governorate. Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences, 26(3), 39-44. https://doi.org/10.33261/jaaru.2019.26.3.005