Distillation Using Solar Magnifying Lenses and Solar Panels
Abstract— The process of solar distillation of saline water is an important way to obtain pure water using simple and low-cost technology. Therefore, countries located in hot climates tended some experiments and researches in the solar distillation field. one of the best methods is theory of the thermal cooking by using limited dimension of basin. In this study use the basin dimensions (860 * 520 * 50 mm) with inserts (adding magnifying lenses and using a solar cell system to charge batteries that feed a 150-watt thermal wire to heat the water) to increase the efficiency of thermal cooking. According to the special ambient in the city of Baghdad for the four quarters was calculated the amount of distilled water theoretically and compared with the distillation quantities of the three basins in same at the time and location as follows:
a- In the summer season, we get approximately to equal amount of distilled water equal to 3.5 liters / day and 3.75 liters / day from to (no additions effect and thermal wire effect) basin and 4.3 liters / day were obtained for the effected of the magnifying glass.
b- In the autumn and spring seasons, the quantity of distilled water equal to 2.75 liters / day was obtained for the basin with no additions and 3.3 liters / day for the basin with addition a thermal wire and 3.5 liters for the basin with affected of magnifying glass effect.
c- In the winter season, the quantity of distilled water equal to 1.5 liters / day was obtained for the basin with no additives and 2.2 liters / day for the addition a thermal wire basin and 1.8 liters / day for the basin with affected of the magnifying glass.