Design and Implantation Information Material Requirements Planning System (IS-MRP)

  • Soroor k. Hussain, Asst. Prof. Engineering College-Baghdad University
  • Rabab khayon shibram Engineering College-Baghdad University-Mechanical Engineering Department
Keywords: MRP, Computerized System, Forecasting Model, information material requirements planning system (IS-MRP).


The main problem that the most industrial plants suffer from is the difficulty of material planning to create the suitable environment for implementing their production plan. The perfect solution for this problem is represented by adopting the material requirement planning (MRP) system which is a computerized system, helps so much in determining the time and quantity of orders by planning and releasing the purchase and work orders. In this study it has been designed an information material requirements planning system called (IS-MRP) system, using visual basic language and Microsoft ACCESS program to build the system’s database. It consists of two modules which are forecasting module and MRP module. This system has been tested in an actual industrial environment at (EIC) company, and provided with output report that included the values of: (calculated gross requirements, calculated net requirements, calculated POH inventory, calculated planned order receipts and calculated planned order releases) for each item of the finished product in each time period.

How to Cite
k. Hussain, S., & khayon shibram, R. (2017). Design and Implantation Information Material Requirements Planning System (IS-MRP). Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences, 24(2), 79-92. Retrieved from