Hybridization in contemporary urban projects: A descriptive analysis study of the types, mechanisms and characteristics of urban hybridization

  • Shereen kamil Al nedawi Department of Architectural Engineering ,University ofTtechnology, Baghdad, Iraq.
Keywords: Urban Hybridization, Contemporary Urban Space, Hybridization Types, Hybridization Mechanisms.


The hybrid urban system emerged within the cities to define the contemporary urban space, and to
define a new type of social interaction within, as the results and outcomes of the rapid development of human
thought in city systems and infrastructure have changed the daily life of the urban environment, as well as changed
the environmental conditions (which did not exist within traditional urban spaces), which require certain solutions.
the research aimed to explain the concept of urban hybridization and define its most important vocabulary, through
the discussion and analyzing of previous literatures, which turned out to clear " there is a lack of some knowledge
aspects related to the concept of "urban hybridization" and its applications related to its mechanisms, types and
characteristics " and the hypothesis of the research "urban hybridization at the level of physical, intellectual and
temporal dimension can be achieved throw specific patterns according to mechanisms of hybridization to output
characterized by urban hybridization", the hypothesis of research was proved in two selected contemporary urban
projects, that adopted a clear design for hybrid urban space. The results of the study revealed that the variation of
urban hybridization types according to the mechanisms, forming therefore a relation characterized by characteristics
of urban hybridization.

How to Cite
Al nedawi, S. (2020). Hybridization in contemporary urban projects: A descriptive analysis study of the types, mechanisms and characteristics of urban hybridization. Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences, 27(2), 67-80. https://doi.org/10.33261/jaaru.2020.27.2.008