Study the electrical parameters of a photovoltaic station to produce electrical energy

  • lama younes jdead The General Electricity Company of Tartous Governorate, Tartous, Syria,
Keywords: solar panels - analysis of electrical variables - harmonics


Abstract— This paper presents a study of the effect of connecting a 5 MW photovoltaic station on the public network in the countryside of Tartous, as the measurement and analysis of electrical variables gives us a clear idea of ​​the efficiency of the connection with the public network and these variables are (voltage (V) - current (A) - effective capacity (KW). - KVAR - Power Factor (PF) - Total harmonics in voltage% - Total harmonics in current% - Separate harmonics in both current and voltage waves% using a Power Analyzer (Energy measuring and analyzing device) on the general grid line from 20kv handThe researchers found that the total distortion resulting from the harmonics of tension and current and the discrete (single) harmonics of tension and current within the standard limits stipulated by the Electricity Distribution Code for the year 2016 and Resolution / 961 / of 2012 which determines the quality of the energy produced from projects and photovoltaic systems and the maximum values ​​of the harmonics resulting from the project or photovoltaic system According to IEEE 519-1992 - Harmonic Limits, by graphing curves shown by Power Analyzer Energy).

How to Cite
jdead, lama. (2023). Study the electrical parameters of a photovoltaic station to produce electrical energy. Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences, 29(3), 74-79. Retrieved from