Hierarchical scaling within the spaces Syntax of the Mosulian house
Hierarchical Scaling is one of the Architectural Engineering principles. this principle is
determined by the apparent scales within the basic elements of architectural design and the nature of the
hierarchy in its dimensions. This principle was discussed in previous studies in terms of its relation to
nature, its types in different levels of architecture and city.The property of the hierarchical scale was
discussed in the previous knowledge in terms of its relation to nature, its types and its general bases at the
level of architecture and city. Therefore, the need to study this principle appeared at the level of house layout
through studying its space syntax in different time periods and its reflection on several aspects.Thus, the
research problem was determined by "the need to explore the levels of the hierarchical scale within the
space syntax of the houses especially Mosulian house, and its variation within different time periods."
The research adopted the quantitative approach consisting of three steps, after introducing general
knowledge base of the concept of the hierarchical scale and the studies that dealt with it in architecture, first:
building a theoretical framework on the vocabulary associated with measuring the spatial hierarchical scale
within the space syntax, second: conducting a practical study on an elected group of Mosulian houses within
four periods, (20 houses distributed through, traditional, traditional-heritage, transitional and
contemporary),third: analysis of results and identification of conclusions.The research found that the
Mosulian houses within (the traditional -heritage period) was distinguished by its having a deep spatial
hierarchical scale, unlike the Mosulian houses (with a transitional period) that entails many indicators at the
level of the social dimension in achieving social isolation.