Design of low delay 4X4 SRAM memory using quantum dot cellular automation technology
Nanotechnology is concerned with materials, structures and systems whose components exhibit new and changing physical, chemical and biological properties as a result of their nanoscale sizes. It is a new technology used to design logic circuits with small size, low energy consumption and high frequency (of the order of Tera Hertz).and it is the leading candidate for the nanotechnology to replace the CMOS technologies that is used in manufacturing of the most today's electronic devices. In this research we have designed a low-delayed 4X4 SRAM circuit using the previous technology, The simulation results showed that the proposed design performs the required logic function with a delay that is about a third lower for the reading process and about a half for the writing process compared with the best previous designs of the same size or which allows reading/writing the same number of bits from/to memory.