Crisis engineering Strategies for dealing with natural disasters. (Earthquakes as a model)

  • marwa jabaar alhadede Baghdad university
  • dr.amaar saleh ashour
Keywords: crisis engineering, natural disasters, resilience space, resilience cities


With the increasing occurrence of disasters and emergencies in the world and their increasing risks and negative impacts on humans, buildings, and cities, the concept of crisis Engineering has emerged as a vital field of study that focuses on preparing innovative precautionary designs and developing appropriate solutions to meet the unique challenges posed by this type of disaster with its emphasis on rapid response, adaptability, and cooperation.

 With the real attempts provided by crisis engineering to provide solutions to protect people and reduce the damage caused by natural disasters in buildings, roads and spaces, but at the same time, it perpetuates a reactive approach to disasters and crises, therefore, the importance of research highlights the strategies used in global experiences towards natural disasters, especially earthquakes, their consequences and effects, and access to design and planning innovations that would mitigate the impact of natural disasters and ensure rapid recovery and resiliency for affected communities, where research has identified a problem represented by  lack of available knowledge about the importance of crisis engineering in recovering from Disasters, crises, and strategies used to enhance the resiliency required in the internal and external spaces of buildings and cities after natural disasters and earthquakes in particular. The research also assumes that crisis engineering and identifying appropriate strategies to deal with natural disasters are of great importance in reducing the effects of these disasters on humans, architecture, and urban design.

How to Cite
alhadede, marwa, & ashour, dr.amaar. (2024). Crisis engineering Strategies for dealing with natural disasters. (Earthquakes as a model). Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences, 31(4), 1-12.